Magnetic lifter is a cost-effective lifting magnet which provides fast and efficient lifting for flat and round section steel. This magnetic lifter uses high-intensity permanent neodymium rare earth magnet material for the highest power to weight ratio. The material is permanently magnetic and switching the magnetic lifter ON and OFF is manual; no power is required and hence it has no operating cost.
What is a Magnetic lifter?
A magnetic lifter is a device that uses strong magnetic fields to lift and move ferrous (iron-containing) objects. It is commonly used in industrial settings for efficient and safe material handling.
Our magnetic lifters contain a magnetic path composed of a strong magnetic substance that provides continuous power. Permanent magnetic lifters or permanent lifting magnets are the only safe and efficient means to lift steel with magnets. Our permanent magnetic lifters are perfect for lifting in factories, warehouses, docks, and transportation.
- These magnetic lifters are roughly constructed and have a high lifting capacity in relation to their size and weight. They operate without the use of electricity.
- There are no maintenance or operational expenditures.
- Very simple to use – Conserve time and energy
- Made using rare earth magnets with tremendous energy (NdFeB)
- Mechanical Turning a lever with a lock to switch
- The technology prevents the workpiece from being damaged if it is unintentionally turned off.
- Simple to transport
- Reliable

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